The Stage 4 assessment schedule should be designed to enable students to demonstrate the breadth and depth of their learning across the five curriculum content strands. Assessment should be valuable, reliable and provide useful evidence of students learning.

Evidence of Assessment for, as and of Learning should be evident in the schools’ Teaching and Learning programs.

Assessment of student achievement of observable classroom outcomes is essential to Secondary Religious Education. 


  • is dynamic, creative and varied; it should encourage and advance learning.
  • flows directly from classroom outcomes and teaching/learning strategies.
  • is an activity undertaken by students (Self-Assessment and Peer Assessment) and the teacher (Teacher Assessment).
  • involves a number of processes: observing and inquiring are the most frequently used; marking and testing are also significant.

Students should be provided with a range of assessment opportunities and strategies and should be accessible to all students.

Feedback is an important component of student learning and the assessment cycle and allows students to improve their learning as well as clarifying how their knowledge, understanding and skills are developing in relation to content.

Further information on assessment in Stages 4 and 5 can be accessed via NESA.

As Stage 5 is a Board Endorsed Course, the following applies to Years 9 and 10: 


Weightings are not mandatory in Stage 5. If weightings are used, each task should be weighted between 10% and 40%.


  • Research Task (weighting – 25%)
  • Examination or Class test (weighting – 35%)
  • Presentation – Written Report; Group Task; ICT and/or Oral Tasks (weighting – 40%)

Total weighting of Tasks – 100%

Weightings are not mandatory in Stage 5. If weightings are used, each task should be weighted between 10% and 40%.


  • Research Task (weighting – 25%)
  • Examination or Class test (weighting – 35%)
  • Presentation – Written Report; Group Task; ICT and/or Oral Tasks (weighting – 40%)

Total weighting of Tasks – 100%