Compulsory Scripture
Learning Focus 1: Acts 5:17-42 – The Apostles are persecuted
Learning Focus 2: Acts 9:1-22 – The Conversion of Saul
Learning Focus 3: Acts 1:8 – The Ascension of Jesus
Church Documents
CCC 91 – The supernatural sense of faith
CCC 763-769 – The Church’s Origin, Foundation and Mission
CCC 774-776, 780 – The Mystery of the Church
CCC 731-741, 747 – The Spirit and the Church in the Last Days
CCC 946-962 – The Communion of Saints
CCC 1285-1288, 1315 – The Sacrament of Confirmation
CCC 2623-2625 – The Revelation of Prayer: In the Age of the Church
CCC 2471-2474 – To bear witness to the truth.
CCC 2634-2636 – Prayer of Intercession
CCC 2683-2684 – Guides for Prayer
CCC 2471-2474 – To bear witness to the truth.
Year 8 TKWL Chapter 3
3.1 Pentecost: The Birth of the Church, pp37-38.
3.2 Persecution, pp38-39.
3.3 Jews or Gentiles? p 41.
3.4 The Council of Jerusalem, pp41-42.
Year 8 TKWL Glossary: pp256-261.
We Gather…as a community and prepare to hear the Word of God | Leader: Let us remember we are in the holy presence of our loving God. We pray together by making the Sign of the Cross: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Introduction- We come together to reflect on the needs of our world. We acknowledge that as people of God, we are called to be people who are witnesses of God’s love and God’s Word in our daily lives. |
We Listen… to the Word of God as it is proclaimed because Scripture is the heart of a liturgical celebration. | Acts 1:6-11 So when they had come together, they asked him, ‘Lord, is this the time when you will restore the kingdom to Israel?’ He replied, ‘It is not for you to know the times or periods that the Father has set by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.’ When he had said this, as they were watching, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight. While he was going and they were gazing up towards heaven, suddenly two men in white robes stood by them. They said, ‘Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking up towards heaven? This Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven.’ |
We Respond… with a ritual action such as a reflection on the Word, Prayers of the Faithful, Powerpoint, a ritual action and/or singing. | Leader: Pope Francis, in a General Audience Address he gave on May 22, 2013, asked Christians to reflect on a number of questions. We spend some time reflecting on these questions for ourselves today:
We Go Forth… into the world to do what we proclaim and to give witness to the fact that we are disciples and followers of Christ. Use a final prayer, a blessing, a song or hymn. | Leader: In the words of Pope Francis, we conclude our prayer… “Let us renew every day our trust in the Holy Spirit’s action, the trust that he acts within us, that he is within us, that he gives us apostolic zeal (eagerness to minister/serve), peace and joy. Let us allow him to lead us. May we be men and women of prayer who witness to the Gospel with courage, becoming in our world instruments of unity and of communion with God.” Closing Song:C Closing song: ‘Alive Again’ by Matt Maher |
Useful Links |
General Capabilities
Australian Curriculum | |||
Cross Curriculum Priorities | The General Capabilities | ||
| Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures | Critical and creative thinking | |
Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia | Ethical understanding | ||
Sustainability | Information and communication technology capability | ||
Other important learning identified by the NSW Educational Standards Authority (NESA): | Intercultural understanding | ||
Civics and citizenship | Literacy | ||
Difference and diversity | Numeracy | ||
Work and enterprise | Personal and social capability |