Compulsory Scripture
Learning Focus 1: Genesis 1 – Six days of Creation and the Sabbath
Learning Focus 2: Psalm 8 – Divine Majesty and Human Dignity
Learning Focus 3: Psalm 104 – God the Creator and Provider
Year 7 TKWL Chapter 9
9.4: Teaching on Creation, pp 92-94
9.5: Caring for Creation, pp94-97
9.6: Three Ways of Caring for Creation: Respect the Interdependence of Creation, pp 97-98
9.7: Authentic Development, pp99-100
9.8: Respect for Human Culture, pp100-101
9.9: A School’s Response, pp 101-103
We Gather…as a community and prepare to hear the Word of God | Leader: Let us remember we are in the holy presence of our loving God. We pray together by making the Sign of the Cross: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. |
We Listen… to the Word of God as it is proclaimed because Scripture is the heart of a liturgical celebration. | Read and/or view Psalm 104: God the Creator and Provider. Possible resources that could be used to enhance the reading are: Psalm 104 or Psalm 104. Students in the class could produce their own visual interpretation of this psalm. |
We Respond… with a ritual action such as a reflection on the Word, Prayers of the Faithful, PowerPoint, a ritual action and/or singing. | Leader: Stewardship is a way of showing gratitude for all that we have in our lives. Each of us has something that we can be grateful for. Ask students to use words, colours, symbols and/or images, to express something in creation that they would like to grateful for. Ask students to share/explain their responses. Leader: As a way of life, stewardship calls all of us to action. To respond generously to others, our communities and the world, for the gifts that we receive from God, is not something that God demands or needs it is something that we need to do. Ask students to reflect upon one way that they could demonstrate their gratitude and share with the class group. |
We Go Forth… into the world to do what we proclaim and to give witness to the fact that we are disciples and followers of Christ. Use a final prayer, a blessing, a song or hymn. | CONCLUDING PRAYER: By your word, Creator God, We and all creatures are formed, sustained and fed. Teach us to live in peace with the world your hands have made, That as faithful stewards of your good earth, We may reverence you in the works of creation. We make our prayer through Jesus Christ who is our brother. SENDING FORTH Leader: Go in peace to create a new world in the name of the Creator God All: Thanks be to God |
Useful links |
General Capabilities
Australian Curriculum |
Cross Curriculum Priorities |
The General Capabilities |
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures |
Critical and creative thinking |
Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia |
Ethical understanding |
Sustainability |
Information and communication technology capability |
Other important learning identified by the NSW Educational Standards Authority (NESA): |
Intercultural understanding |
Civics and citizenship |
Literacy |
Difference and diversity |
Numeracy |
Work and enterprise |
Personal and social capability |