Compulsory Scripture
Learning Focus 1: Mark 1:9-11 The Baptism of Jesus
Learning Focus 2: Mark 6:32-44 The feeding of the five thousand
Learning Focus 3: Acts 2:1-6,14,22-23, 32-33 The Coming of the Holy Spirit
OR Ephesians 4:1-7 The unity in the Body of Christ
Church Documents
CCC 1322-1419 – Eucharist
CCC 1145-1152 – Signs and Symbols
CCC 1153-1155, 1190 , CCC 1210-1211 – The Seven Sacraments of the Church
CCC 1212 , CCC1213- 1284 – The Sacrament of Baptism
Year 8 TKWL:
Chapter 11: A Closer look at the Sacraments
Chapter 12: A Closer look at Baptism
Chapter 13: A Closer look at Confirmation
Chapter 14: Eucharist, Signs and Symbols
Year 10 TKWL:
Chapter 8: The Eucharist in the Christian Community
We Gather…as a community and prepare to hear the Word of God | Prior to this prayer ask each student to find out the date of their baptism and if they have memento to bring this in. For students in the class who are not baptised Christians they could be given specific tasks during the prayer such as preparing the prayer space and leading the opening and closing prayers. The dates of the student’s baptism could be written on large cards and placed around the prayer space. Prepare the prayer space with a white cloth; a large bowl of water and a large white candle ad the dates of the students baptisms. Use a gathering song to accompany procession of the large Candle. Carefully place the candle to stand in or near the bowl of water. Leader: We begin “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit”, Amen”. We gather in the knowledge that we are in the presence of our loving God. When Jesus was baptised by John in the River Jordan, the holy Spirit descended upon him and God solemnly declared him as the beloved Son. Through our baptism we are made members of Christ’s body and God says to each of us: ’You are my beloved son/daughter; my favour rests on you.’ |
We Listen… to the Word of God as it is proclaimed because Scripture is the heart of a liturgical celebration. | A reading from the holy Gospel according to Mark |
We Respond… with a ritual action such as a reflection on the Word, Prayers of the Faithful, Powerpoint, a ritual action and/or singing. | Ask those students who have placed cards with the date of their baptism to collect this from the prayer space and then together renew their Baptismal Promises (adapted from I was privileged to be baptized “in the name of the Lord Jesus” (Acts 19, 5) on ____________________(insert baptismal date). Now in the presence of this same loving God and of his only-begotten Son I would like to sincerely renew the promises that were made for me at the time of my Baptism. I reject Satan and all his works and all of his empty promises. I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was born of the Virgin Mary was crucified, died, and was buried, rose from the dead, and is now seated at the right hand of the Father. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting. Taught by our Saviour’s command and formed by the word of God, I now dare to say: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen. Leader: Water is a sign of life as without water nothing can grow. Water is also a sign of the new spiritual life into which the baptised person is entering. As we recall the waters of Baptism and for the Baptised being initiated into a life based on the values of Jesus, let us each come forward to the large bowl of water. Gently place your hands in the water and make a sign of the cross. (Play quiet music during this ritual) |
We Go Forth… into the world to do what we proclaim and to give witness to the fact that we are disciples and followers of Christ. Use a final prayer, a blessing, a song or hymn. | Leader: Loving God, you have given us new birth by water and the Holy Spirit and forgiven all our sins. May we treasure our Baptism every day of our lives and grow more and more in the likeness of Jesus Christ, your Son and our brother. Amen |
Useful links |
General Capabilities
Australian Curriculum | |||
Cross Curriculum Priorities | The General Capabilities | ||
| Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures |
| Critical and creative thinking |
Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia |
| Ethical understanding | |
Sustainability | Information and communication technology capability | ||
Other important learning identified by the NSW Educational Standards Authority (NESA): |
| Intercultural understanding | |
Civics and citizenship |
| Literacy | |
Difference and diversity |
| Numeracy | |
Work and enterprise | Personal and social capability |