Unit Overview

The Sacraments of Healing include the Sacrament of Penance/Reconciliation and the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. This unit will address the Scriptural foundations of the Sacraments of Healing, with a focus on Jesus’ acts of healing and re-integration. Through their investigation of the Sacraments of Healing, students will consider the nature of sin and forgiveness, and healing and suffering in the world, in their community and in their own lives. Students will come to an understanding of the hope and restoration offered through the Sacraments of Healing.

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Enduring Understanding

The Sacraments of Healing offer hope in our world and call us to be witnesses to God’s love, healing and forgiveness.


A student will

  • value, appreciate and become aware of the potential for relating with God within the sacraments, liturgy and prayer;
  • be willing to engage in personal and communal prayer and the liturgical life of the Church, the celebrating community and the individual in the sacraments, liturgy and expressions of prayer in the Catholic tradition
  • interpret and communicate the nature and development of the sacraments, liturgy and prayer; prepare and participate in various expressions of private prayer and communal celebrations


A student

  • explains the importance of the Sacraments of Healing in the Catholic tradition, and the lives of the faithful. (RECKD9)
  • investigates the scriptural underpinnings of the Sacraments of Healing. (RECSD9)
  • appreciates the abundance of God’s love in restoring humanity to wholeness and right relationship. (RECVD9)

Essential Questions

  1. Why is forgiveness/healing/hope/reconciliation/repentance/sin/suffering significant in the life of a Christian?
  2. Is healing something all Christians need and want?
  3. How can we be healed and bring healing to others?

Learning Focus & Statements of Learning

  • Students will deepen their awareness and understanding of sin and forgiveness by
    • identifying examples of suffering in our world and community that are the result of human action
    • acknowledging the nature of sin and its effect on our relationship with God and others
    • exploring examples of God’s loving forgiveness in Scripture
    • describing the Church’s sacramental response to the forgiveness of sin through the rites of the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation
    • exploring Luke 15: 11-32 – The Prodigal Son.
  • Students will deepen their knowledge and understanding of human suffering and healing by
    • identifying examples of suffering in our world that are the result of physical sickness, injury or natural disasters
    • acknowledging different ways that individuals and society respond to suffering
    • exploring examples of God’s healing in Scripture
    • describing the Church’s sacramental response to healing through the rite of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.
    • exploring Mark 7:31-37 – Jesus Cures a Deaf man
  • Students will recognise and value the importance of reconciliation and healing by
    • examining the notion of forgiveness and healing from the perspective of different worldviews and from their lived experience
    • exploring ways of being a witness to God’s healing love in the world
    • exploring James 5:13-20 – Anointing of the sick

Learning Focus 1: Luke 15:11-32 The Prodigal Son (Used for Prayer Example)
Learning Focus 2: Mark 7:31-37 Jesus Cures a Deaf man
Learning Focus 3: James 5:13-20 Anointing of the sick

CCC 1420-1421 The Sacraments of Healing
CCC 1422-1424 What is this Sacrament Called?
CCC 1440-1449 The Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation
CCC 1450-1460 The Acts of the Penitent
CCC 1461-1467 The Minister of this Sacrament
CCC 1468-1470 The Effects of this Sacrament
CCC 1480-1484 The celebration of the Sacrament of Penance
CCC 1485-1490 In Brief
CCC 1420-1421 The Sacraments of Healing
CCC 1499 The Anointing of the Sick
CCC 1500-1513 Its foundations in the economy of salvation
CCC 1514-1516 Who receives and who administers this sacrament?
CCC 1517-1519 How is this sacrament celebrated?
CCC 1520-1523 The effects of celebration of this sacrament

Year 9 TKWL Chapter 9
Healing and Hope: The Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation

Year 9 TKWL Chapter 10
Healing and Hope: The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick

We Gather…as a community and prepare to hear the Word of God

Opening  Prayer:

Lord Jesus Christ, out of loving mercy, you healed so many people.

You opened the ears and loosened the tongue of the man who could not hear or speak.

Open our ears anew this day, so that we might hear your Word.

Loosen our tongues so that we might speak your Word.

You live and reign with the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever.


We Listen
to the Word of God as it is proclaimed because Scripture is the heart of a liturgical celebration.

Gospel Reading: Jesus Cures a Deaf Man – Mark 7:31-37

Reflection: The man who was deaf was taken to Jesus, perhaps by his friends and family members, but he was taken by people who obviously cared about him and by people who had heard that Jesus could heal people. In the time of Jesus there were no remedies for people who were deaf and struggled to speak. People like this would have been categorised as being insane as there was no way of knowing that they could understand! Such people had no rights and would have been seen by most as being under God’s curse and judgement – they were outcasts of the society. So this man who was deaf would have had a lifetime of stigma and rejection, but he was taken to Jesus like many others so that Jesus could place his hands on him and heal him. For Jesus, he touched this man without any fear of being ‘defiled’ as it was his way to express compassion and love for someone who was suffering. We can also see this when we visit or speak to someone who is in need of healing – a touch, no matter how small can make such a big difference! So Jesus took this man aside and in doing this he acknowledged that the man who WAS deaf, was not insane and not an outcast anymore. When Jesus looked up to heaven he was letting everyone know that what was going to happen next was coming from a power from on high!

We Respond
with a ritual action such as a reflection on the Word, Prayers of the Faithful, Powerpoint, a ritual action and/or singing.

Psalm 146

Response: Praise the Lord, O my soul!

Universal Prayers

Let us pray that the healing power of Jesus rests on all who are in need.

  1. For the body of Christ that is the Church, that it recognises the need for healing. Let us pray to the Lord.
  2. For all who are sick and suffering, that they may receive healing hope and tender love. Let us pray to the Lord.
  3. For the families and loved ones of those who are sick, that they may be comforted and strengthened. Let us pray to the Lord.
  4. For all who have gathered here today, that we reach out to one another with justice and mercy. Let us pray to the Lord.
We Go Forth
into the world to do what we proclaim and to give witness to the fact that we are disciples and followers of Christ. Use a final prayer, a blessing, a song or hymn.

Concluding Prayer

All powerful and ever living God,

you make the blind see, the deaf hear and the lame walk. Pour out your healing goodness on all who believe in your name. We ask this with confidence in the name of Jesus Christ the Lord.




All:  May the Lord bless us, protect us from evil, and bring us to everlasting life. Amen

Useful links 

Australian Curriculum

Cross Curriculum Priorities

The General Capabilities


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures http://news.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au/images/content/icon-k10-ahc.gif


Critical and creative thinking   http://news.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au/images/content/icon-k10-cct-1.gif


Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia  

Ethical understanding   http://news.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au/images/content/icon-k10-eu.gif


Sustainability  http://news.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au/images/content/icon-k10-se.gif


Information and communication technology capability   http://news.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au/images/content/icon-k10-ict.gif

Other important learning identified by the NSW Educational Standards Authority (NESA):

Intercultural understanding   http://news.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au/images/content/icon-k10-iu.gif


Civics and citizenship http://news.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au/images/content/icon-k10-cc.gif


Literacy   http://news.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au/images/content/icon-k10-l.gif


Difference and diversity http://news.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au/images/content/icon-k10-dd.gif


Numeracy   http://news.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au/images/content/icon-k10-n.gif


Work and enterprise http://news.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au/images/content/icon-k10-we.gif


Personal and social capability   http://news.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au/images/content/icon-k10-psc.gif

Life Skills

Religious Education for students studying a Life Skills program is developed from the unit outcomes, resulting in the Learning Focus and Statements of Learning. Students may demonstrate achievement of these learning statements independently or with support designed to meet the needs of the student. Such support may include:

  • the provision of extra time to complete tasks
  • physical and/or verbal assistance from others
  • the provision of technological support
  • the assistance of a scribe
  • participating in a group task
  • providing verbal or artistic responses along with written ones.

A student

  • explores and describes the Sacraments of Healing and their role in the lives of the faithful. (LRECKSD9)

A student studying a Life Skills program will be able to:

  • deepen their awareness and understanding of sin and forgiveness
    • describe the steps involved in one Rite of Reconciliation/Penance
    • retell a healing story from Scripture
    • construct a prayer for a person who needs healing

Why is forgiveness/healing/hope/reconciliation/repentance/sin/suffering significant in the life of a Christian?

LS7A 1.1

  1. Students view all or part of Sophia Sketchpad: Confession 7 mins 54 secs – Learn the biblical basis of confession, the importance of telling your sins to a priest, and how the Sacrament brings about the forgiveness of sins

Year 9 TKWL Chapter 9:
9.1 The Sacrament of Reconciliation;
9.2 The Sacrament of Penance;
9.3 The Sacrament in the History of the Church;
9.4 The Sacrament of Penance Today

Luke 15:11-32  – The Prodigal Son

Supporting Documents

Learning Experience 1

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Learning Experience 2

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Learning Experience 3

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