The Years 3-10 Religious Education Curriculum is organised into Year Groups, with each Year group studying units from each of the five content strands.
Use the buttons below to jump to a specific Year group.
Kindergarten - stage 1
AK - Jesus' Holy Family
Value: appreciates the Bible as our Sacred Scripture that shows God’s relationship with his people.
Knowledge: demonstrates an understanding of Jesus and the Holy Family.
Skills: identifies how we are part of God's family.
Value: appreciates the Bible as our Sacred Scripture that shows God’s relationship with his people.
Knowledge: demonstrates an understanding of Jesus and the Holy Family.
Skills: identifies how we are part of God's family.
AK - Jesus' Holy Family
View UnitBK - Our School and Parish Community
Value: appreciates the Bible as the sacred Scriptures of the Catholic community.
Knowledge: communicates knowledge about Jesus as the Good Shepherd.
Skills: demonstrates growing familiarity with key symbols and rituals of the Catholic Tradition.
Value: appreciates the Bible as the sacred Scriptures of the Catholic community.
Knowledge: communicates knowledge about Jesus as the Good Shepherd.
Skills: demonstrates growing familiarity with key symbols and rituals of the Catholic Tradition.
BK - Our School and Parish Community
View UnitCK - God Made the World and Us
Value: appreciates creation as a reflection of God’s goodness and love.
Knowledge: describes God’s covenant with all creation.
Skills: identifies ways we can respect and care for God’s creation.
Value: appreciates creation as a reflection of God’s goodness and love.
Knowledge: describes God’s covenant with all creation.
Skills: identifies ways we can respect and care for God’s creation.
CK - God Made the World and Us
View UnitDK - The Church
Value: appreciates that we are the Church, and we gather together at a special place to worship.
Knowledge: identifies how Jesus is present with us at Mass.
Skills: names objects and sacred vessels found in the church and used during Mass.
Value: appreciates that we are the Church, and we gather together at a special place to worship.
Knowledge: identifies how Jesus is present with us at Mass.
Skills: names objects and sacred vessels found in the church and used during Mass.
DK - The Church
View UnitDLYK - Liturgical Year - Kindergarten
Value: recognises the significance of each season in the Liturgical Year.
Knowledge: identifies the traditions, beliefs, Scripture and events associated with the Liturgical Year.
Skills: explores the birth, life, death, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus Christ.
Value: recognises the significance of each season in the Liturgical Year.
Knowledge: identifies the traditions, beliefs, Scripture and events associated with the Liturgical Year.
Skills: explores the birth, life, death, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus Christ.
DLYK - Liturgical Year - Kindergarten
View UnitEK - God Loves All People
Value: recognises that God is with us in times of need.
Knowledge: describes how Sacred Scripture teaches us about God’s unconditional love.
Skills: identifies how God's love offers protection, compassion and forgiveness for all people.
Value: recognises that God is with us in times of need.
Knowledge: describes how Sacred Scripture teaches us about God’s unconditional love.
Skills: identifies how God's love offers protection, compassion and forgiveness for all people.
EK - God Loves All People
View UnitYear 3 - stage 2
A3 - Jesus the Teacher and Healer
Value: appreciates how Jesus’ life, death and Resurrection showed his love for us.
Knowledge: identifies what the Scripture reveals about Jesus the teacher and healer.
Skills: identifies ways we can live a life modelled on the example of Jesus.
Value: appreciates how Jesus’ life, death and Resurrection showed his love for us.
Knowledge: identifies what the Scripture reveals about Jesus the teacher and healer.
Skills: identifies ways we can live a life modelled on the example of Jesus.
A3 - Jesus the Teacher and Healer
View UnitB3 - Pentecost
Value: appreciates how Christian communities are strengthened by the Holy Spirit to continue the mission of Jesus.
Knowledge: describes how the Ascension and Pentecost fulfil Jesus’ promise of the coming of the Holy Spirit.
Skills: names and describes the mystery of the Trinity.
Value: appreciates how Christian communities are strengthened by the Holy Spirit to continue the mission of Jesus.
Knowledge: describes how the Ascension and Pentecost fulfil Jesus’ promise of the coming of the Holy Spirit.
Skills: names and describes the mystery of the Trinity.
B3 - Pentecost
View UnitC3 - Christian Goodness
Value: appreciates how the Eucharist and prayer nourishes our Christian life.
Knowledge: describes how the actions and teaching of Jesus guide us to be witnesses of God’s love.
Skills: identifies that created by God, we have gifts and talents to share for the good of all. conversion.
Value: appreciates how the Eucharist and prayer nourishes our Christian life.
Knowledge: describes how the actions and teaching of Jesus guide us to be witnesses of God’s love.
Skills: identifies that created by God, we have gifts and talents to share for the good of all. conversion.
C3 - Christian Goodness
View UnitD3 - The Sacrament of Eucharist
Value: appreciates how the celebration of the Eucharist gives us nourishment and strength to live the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Knowledge: describes ways that Jesus is present in the celebration of the Eucharist.
Skills: identifies and describes the rituals, symbols and gestures associated with the four parts of the Mass.
Value: appreciates how the celebration of the Eucharist gives us nourishment and strength to live the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Knowledge: describes ways that Jesus is present in the celebration of the Eucharist.
Skills: identifies and describes the rituals, symbols and gestures associated with the four parts of the Mass.
D3 - The Sacrament of Eucharist
View UnitDLY3 - Liturgical Year - Year Three
Value: recognises the significance of each season in the Liturgical Year.
Knowledge: identifies the traditions, beliefs, Scripture and events associated with the Liturgical Year.
Skills: examines the birth, life, death, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus Christ.
Value: recognises the significance of each season in the Liturgical Year.
Knowledge: identifies the traditions, beliefs, Scripture and events associated with the Liturgical Year.
Skills: examines the birth, life, death, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus Christ.
DLY3 - Liturgical Year - Year Three
View UnitE3 - Called to Holiness
Value: recognises that Christians are called to use their gifts in loving service of others.
Knowledge: explains how, through Baptism, we are called to follow Jesus and live holy lives.
Skills: identifies how the Church celebrates people who lived lives of holiness.
Value: recognises that Christians are called to use their gifts in loving service of others.
Knowledge: explains how, through Baptism, we are called to follow Jesus and live holy lives.
Skills: identifies how the Church celebrates people who lived lives of holiness.
E3 - Called to Holiness
View UnitYear 4 - stage 2
A4 - The Life of Jesus
Value: appreciates Sacred Scripture as a source for learning about Jesus Christ.
Knowledge: describes key events in the life of Jesus.
Skills: explains the meaning of the events in Jesus’ life.
Value: appreciates Sacred Scripture as a source for learning about Jesus Christ.
Knowledge: describes key events in the life of Jesus.
Skills: explains the meaning of the events in Jesus’ life.
A4 - The Life of Jesus
View UnitB4 - Mary, Mother of God
Value: appreciates how they can listen and respond to God in their lives.
Knowledge: identifies how Mary, the Mother of God, listened and responded to God in her life.
Skills: describes how the Church honours Mary, the Mother of God.
Value: appreciates how they can listen and respond to God in their lives.
Knowledge: identifies how Mary, the Mother of God, listened and responded to God in her life.
Skills: describes how the Church honours Mary, the Mother of God.
B4 - Mary, Mother of God
View UnitC4 - Faith, through Prayer and Action
Value: appreciates prayer as a way of building a relationship with God.
Knowledge: describes how Jesus demonstrated faith through prayer and action.
Skills: identifies different ways of praying.
Value: appreciates prayer as a way of building a relationship with God.
Knowledge: describes how Jesus demonstrated faith through prayer and action.
Skills: identifies different ways of praying.
C4 - Faith, through Prayer and Action
View UnitD4 - The Sacraments of Healing
Value: appreciates how the Sacraments of Healing bring us God’s forgiveness and healing.
Knowledge: explains the significance of the Sacraments of Healing in the life of the Church.
Skills: identifies the symbols and rituals associated with the Sacraments of Healing.
Value: appreciates how the Sacraments of Healing bring us God’s forgiveness and healing.
Knowledge: explains the significance of the Sacraments of Healing in the life of the Church.
Skills: identifies the symbols and rituals associated with the Sacraments of Healing.
D4 - The Sacraments of healing
View UnitDLY4 - Liturgical Year - Year Four
Value: recognises the significance of each Season in the Liturgical Year.
Knowledge: identifies the traditions, beliefs, Scripture and events associated with the Liturgical Year.
Skills: examines the birth, life, death, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus Christ.
Value: recognises the significance of each Season in the Liturgical Year.
Knowledge: identifies the traditions, beliefs, Scripture and events associated with the Liturgical Year.
Skills: examines the birth, life, death, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus Christ.
DLY4 - Liturgical Year - Year Four
View UnitE4 - The Commandments
Value: recognises that Christians are called to use the Commandments to live good lives.
Knowledge: explains how the Commandments guide Christian life.
Skills: applies the Commandments in responding to contemporary issues.
Value: recognises that Christians are called to use the Commandments to live good lives.
Knowledge: explains how the Commandments guide Christian life.
Skills: applies the Commandments in responding to contemporary issues.
E4 - The Commandments
View UnitYear 5 - stage 3
A5 - Our Sacred Scripture
Value: appreciates beliefs and traditions which are founded on Scripture and expressed in the story of the Catholic Church.
Knowledge: describes why the Bible is important to the Christian Community.
Skills: explains the significance of the people, events and stories contained in the Bible. .
Value: appreciates beliefs and traditions which are founded on Scripture and expressed in the story of the Catholic Church.
Knowledge: describes why the Bible is important to the Christian Community.
Skills: explains the significance of the people, events and stories contained in the Bible. .
A5 - Our Sacred Scripture
View UnitB5 - The Story of The Catholic Church in Australia
Value: appreciates that Catholics faced many challenges in establishing the Catholic Church in Australia.
Knowledge:recounts and describes the story of the Catholic Church in Australia.
Skills: uses a range of sources to investigate and communicate the contribution of key people and significant events that shaped the Catholic Church in Australia.
Value: appreciates that Catholics faced many challenges in establishing the Catholic Church in Australia.
Knowledge:recounts and describes the story of the Catholic Church in Australia.
Skills: uses a range of sources to investigate and communicate the contribution of key people and significant events that shaped the Catholic Church in Australia.
B5 - The Story of The Catholic Church in Australia
View UnitC5 - Good Stewards of Creation
Value: appreciates God’s goodness and grace in the gift of creation.
Knowledge: understands that humanity is called to take responsibility for caring for God’s creation.
Skills: explains environmental stewardship and ecological conversion.
Value: appreciates God’s goodness and grace in the gift of creation.
Knowledge: understands that humanity is called to take responsibility for caring for God’s creation.
Skills: explains environmental stewardship and ecological conversion.
C5 - Good Stewards of Creation
View UnitD5 - The Sacraments in the Service of Communion
Value: recognises that through Baptism all Christians are called to live their vocation.
Knowledge: explains the significance of the Sacraments of Holy Orders and Matrimony in the life of the Church.
Skills: investigates the symbols and rituals associated with the Sacraments of Holy Orders and Matrimony.
Value: recognises that through Baptism all Christians are called to live their vocation.
Knowledge: explains the significance of the Sacraments of Holy Orders and Matrimony in the life of the Church.
Skills: investigates the symbols and rituals associated with the Sacraments of Holy Orders and Matrimony.
D5 - The Sacraments in the Service of Communion
View UnitDLY5 - Liturgical Year - Year Five
Value: recognises the significance of each season in the Liturgical Year.
Knowledge: identifies the traditions, beliefs, Scripture and events associated with the Liturgical Year.
Skills: examines the birth, life, death, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus Christ.
Value: recognises the significance of each season in the Liturgical Year.
Knowledge: identifies the traditions, beliefs, Scripture and events associated with the Liturgical Year.
Skills: examines the birth, life, death, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus Christ.
DLY5 - Liturgical Year - Year Five
View UnitE5 - Social Justice
Value: appreciates their responsibility for moral decision-making according to the teaching of Jesus.
Knowledge: explores how the Old Testament prophets and the words and actions of Jesus provide a model for social justice.
Skills: applies the, ‘See, Judge, Act’ model to a range of contemporary situations.
Value: appreciates their responsibility for moral decision-making according to the teaching of Jesus.
Knowledge: explores how the Old Testament prophets and the words and actions of Jesus provide a model for social justice.
Skills: applies the, ‘See, Judge, Act’ model to a range of contemporary situations.
E5 - Social Justice
View UnitYear 6 - stage 3
A6 - The Synoptic Gospels
Value: appreciates the story of Jesus Christ as described in the synoptic Gospels.
Knowledge: describes how the synoptic Gospels help the Christian community nurture and deepen their relationship with God.
Skills: explains the significance of the synoptic Gospels and how the writers portray Jesus.
Value: appreciates the story of Jesus Christ as described in the synoptic Gospels.
Knowledge: describes how the synoptic Gospels help the Christian community nurture and deepen their relationship with God.
Skills: explains the significance of the synoptic Gospels and how the writers portray Jesus.
A6 - The Synoptic Gospels
View UnitB6 - Mary, Woman of Faith
Value: appreciates the qualities of Mary that make her a faithful disciple.
Knowledge: describes some of the key Church teachings and beliefs about Mary.
Skills: demonstrates an understanding of how the Church honours Mary.
Value: appreciates the qualities of Mary that make her a faithful disciple.
Knowledge: describes some of the key Church teachings and beliefs about Mary.
Skills: demonstrates an understanding of how the Church honours Mary.
B6 - Mary, Woman of Faith
View UnitC6 - The Eastern Catholic Churches
Value: appreciates the Christian belief that good triumphs over evil.
Knowledge: articulates an understanding of how aspects of Christian living can assist people to grow in goodness.
Skills: explores and draws meaning from examples of good and evil in life and in the Scriptures.
Value: appreciates the Christian belief that good triumphs over evil.
Knowledge: articulates an understanding of how aspects of Christian living can assist people to grow in goodness.
Skills: explores and draws meaning from examples of good and evil in life and in the Scriptures.
C6 - The Eastern Catholic Churches
View UnitD6 - The Sacrament of Confirmation
Value: appreciates how Confirmation completes baptismal grace and enriches those confirmed with the strength of the Holy Spirit.
Knowledge: explains the significance of the Sacrament of Confirmation in the life of the Church.
Skills: identifies and investigates the symbols and rituals associated with the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Value: appreciates how Confirmation completes baptismal grace and enriches those confirmed with the strength of the Holy Spirit.
Knowledge: explains the significance of the Sacrament of Confirmation in the life of the Church.
Skills: identifies and investigates the symbols and rituals associated with the Sacrament of Confirmation.
D6 - The Sacrament of Confirmation
View UnitDLY6 - Liturgical Year – Year Six
Value: recognises the significance of each season in the Liturgical Year.
Knowledge: investigates the traditions, beliefs, Scripture and events associated with the Liturgical Year.
Skills: examines the birth, life, death, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus Christ.
Value: recognises the significance of each season in the Liturgical Year.
Knowledge: investigates the traditions, beliefs, Scripture and events associated with the Liturgical Year.
Skills: examines the birth, life, death, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus Christ.
DLY6 - Liturgical Year – Year Six
View UnitE6 - Discipleship
Value: appreciates that as Christian disciples we are called to respect the dignity of all people.
Knowledge: explains how the Beatitudes and the words and actions of Jesus guide the Christian response to others.
Skills: demonstrate how the principles of Christian living challenge us to live and act justly.
Value: appreciates that as Christian disciples we are called to respect the dignity of all people.
Knowledge: explains how the Beatitudes and the words and actions of Jesus guide the Christian response to others.
Skills: demonstrate how the principles of Christian living challenge us to live and act justly.
E6 - Discipleship
View UnitYear 7 - stage 4
A7 - Sacred Scripture
Value: appreciates the Bible as a sacred text which reveals God’s relationship with humanity.
Knowledge: describes the structure of the Bible and some of its principal themes.
Skills: locates, explores and draws meaning from a range of Scripture passages.
Value: appreciates the Bible as a sacred text which reveals God’s relationship with humanity.
Knowledge: describes the structure of the Bible and some of its principal themes.
Skills: locates, explores and draws meaning from a range of Scripture passages.
A7 - Sacred Scripture
View UnitB7 - What it means to be Catholic
Value: appreciates the place of the Catholic school community in the wider Church.
Knowledge: articulates an understanding of the core beliefs of the Catholic Tradition.
Skills: investigates and identifies the key characteristics of Catholic communities.
Value: appreciates the place of the Catholic school community in the wider Church.
Knowledge: articulates an understanding of the core beliefs of the Catholic Tradition.
Skills: investigates and identifies the key characteristics of Catholic communities.
B7 - What it means to be Catholic
View UnitC7 - Stewards of Creation
Value: appreciates God’s creative presence and activity in the world.
Knowledge: understands that human beings participate in, contribute to and are responsible for God’s creation.
Skills: explores and identifies ways by which people may be stewards of creation.
Value: appreciates God’s creative presence and activity in the world.
Knowledge: understands that human beings participate in, contribute to and are responsible for God’s creation.
Skills: explores and identifies ways by which people may be stewards of creation.
C7 - Stewards of Creation
View UnitD7 - Ways of Praying
Value: appreciates the importance of personal, communal and liturgical prayer.
Knowledge: understands the nature and purpose of common forms of prayer in the Catholic Tradition.
Skills: engages in a range of prayer forms and experiences.
Value: appreciates the importance of personal, communal and liturgical prayer.
Knowledge: understands the nature and purpose of common forms of prayer in the Catholic Tradition.
Skills: engages in a range of prayer forms and experiences.
D7 - Ways of Praying
View UnitE7 - Affirming Human Dignity
Value: recognises the inherent dignity of all people.
Knowledge: identifies that being human involves rights and responsibilities.
Skills: applies Christian beliefs and principles to decision making processes.
Value: recognises the inherent dignity of all people.
Knowledge: identifies that being human involves rights and responsibilities.
Skills: applies Christian beliefs and principles to decision making processes.
E7 - Affirming Human Dignity
View UnitYear 8 - stage 4
A8 - The Teachings of Jesus
Value: recognises the relevance and importance of Jesus’ teachings.
Knowledge: explains Jesus’ principal teachings.
Skills: draws meaning from the actions and parables of Jesus and applies this to everyday living and Christian discipleship.
Value: recognises the relevance and importance of Jesus’ teachings.
Knowledge: explains Jesus’ principal teachings.
Skills: draws meaning from the actions and parables of Jesus and applies this to everyday living and Christian discipleship.
A8 - The Teachings of Jesus
View UnitB8 - Disciples, Martyrs and Witnesses to the Faith
Value:appreciates the ‘timeless’ nature of the Church and some of the enduring challenges which face Christians.
Knowledge: describes the key characteristics of life in the early Christian communities.
Skills: uses a range of sources to investigate the significance of key people and events in the early Church.
Value:appreciates the ‘timeless’ nature of the Church and some of the enduring challenges which face Christians.
Knowledge: describes the key characteristics of life in the early Christian communities.
Skills: uses a range of sources to investigate the significance of key people and events in the early Church.
B8 - Disciples, Martyrs and Witnesses to the Faith
View UnitC8 - Striving for Goodness
Value: appreciates the Christian belief that good triumphs over evil.
Knowledge: articulates an understanding of how aspects of Christian living can assist people to grow in goodness.
Skills: explores and draws meaning from examples of good and evil in life and in the Scriptures.
Value: appreciates the Christian belief that good triumphs over evil.
Knowledge: articulates an understanding of how aspects of Christian living can assist people to grow in goodness.
Skills: explores and draws meaning from examples of good and evil in life and in the Scriptures.
C8 - Striving for Goodness
View UnitD8 - Sacraments of Initiation
Value: appreciates that the sacraments guide and enrich people’s lives.
Knowledge: describes the nature and significance of the Sacraments of Initiation.
Skills: considers and attributes meaning to the signs, symbols and rituals associated with the Sacraments of Initiation.
Value: appreciates that the sacraments guide and enrich people’s lives.
Knowledge: describes the nature and significance of the Sacraments of Initiation.
Skills: considers and attributes meaning to the signs, symbols and rituals associated with the Sacraments of Initiation.
D8 - Sacraments of Initiation
View UnitE8 - Alive in Christ
Value: appreciates how the words and actions of Jesus provide a model for Christian living.
Knowledge: describes how Jesus changed the lives of the people he encountered.
Skills: identifies the core values shown and espoused by Jesus and applies them to contemporary life situations.
Value: appreciates how the words and actions of Jesus provide a model for Christian living.
Knowledge: describes how Jesus changed the lives of the people he encountered.
Skills: identifies the core values shown and espoused by Jesus and applies them to contemporary life situations.
E8 - Alive in Christ
View UnitYear 9 - stage 5
A9 - Biblical Writing
Value: recognises that the Bible conveys various truths through a diversity of literary forms.
Knowledge: explains the features and purposes of a range of literary forms used in the Old and New Testaments.
Skills: classifies Scripture passages according to their literary form and interprets them for their intended meaning.
Value: recognises that the Bible conveys various truths through a diversity of literary forms.
Knowledge: explains the features and purposes of a range of literary forms used in the Old and New Testaments.
Skills: classifies Scripture passages according to their literary form and interprets them for their intended meaning.
A9 - Biblical Writing
View UnitB9 - The Church in Australia
Value: values the heritage, contemporary experience and cultural diversity of Australian Catholics.
Knowledge: details the history of the Catholic Church in Australia and explains the changing patterns of religious beliefs within the society.
Skills: investigates and evaluates the contributions that individuals and organisations have made to the Catholic Church in Australia.
Value: values the heritage, contemporary experience and cultural diversity of Australian Catholics.
Knowledge: details the history of the Catholic Church in Australia and explains the changing patterns of religious beliefs within the society.
Skills: investigates and evaluates the contributions that individuals and organisations have made to the Catholic Church in Australia.
B9 - The Church in Australia
View UnitC9 - The Search for Meaning
Value: appreciates the inherent need of human beings to seek explanations/ask why.
Knowledge: examines the Catholic belief that ‘truth’ consists of knowledge and meaning.
Skills: analyses the Catholic Church’s response to evil, suffering and death.
Value: appreciates the inherent need of human beings to seek explanations/ask why.
Knowledge: examines the Catholic belief that ‘truth’ consists of knowledge and meaning.
Skills: analyses the Catholic Church’s response to evil, suffering and death.
C9 - The Search for Meaning
View UnitD9 - Sacraments of healing
Value: appreciates the abundance of God’s love in restoring humanity to wholeness and right relationship.
Knowledge: explains the importance of the Sacraments of Healing in the Catholic tradition, and the lives of the faithful.
Skills: investigates the scriptural underpinnings of the Sacraments of Healing.
Value: appreciates the abundance of God’s love in restoring humanity to wholeness and right relationship.
Knowledge: explains the importance of the Sacraments of Healing in the Catholic tradition, and the lives of the faithful.
Skills: investigates the scriptural underpinnings of the Sacraments of Healing.
D9 - Sacraments of Healing
View UnitE9 - Living the Commandments and Beatitudes
Value: recognises that God alone is the source of true happiness and fulfilment.
Knowledge: explains how the Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes guide the Christian life.
Skills: interprets the call of the Beatitudes and applies this to a range of life situations.
Value: recognises that God alone is the source of true happiness and fulfilment.
Knowledge: explains how the Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes guide the Christian life.
Skills: interprets the call of the Beatitudes and applies this to a range of life situations.
E9 - Living the Commandments and Beatitudes
View UnitYear 10 - stage 5
A10 - The Gospels
Value: recognises the Gospels as an encounter with Jesus Christ.
Knowledge: provides an exegesis of a synoptic Gospel.
Skills: analyses and classifies points of comparison and contrast between the synoptic Gospels.
Value: recognises the Gospels as an encounter with Jesus Christ.
Knowledge: provides an exegesis of a synoptic Gospel.
Skills: analyses and classifies points of comparison and contrast between the synoptic Gospels.
A10 - The Gospels
View UnitB10 - The Church: Tradition, Challenge and Change
Value: appreciates the enduring but ever changing nature of the Church.
Knowledge: articulates an understanding of how the Church’s mission and development has always been influenced by a range of social, cultural political and religious factors.
Skills: investigates and evaluates the impact of significant people, movements and events on Church teachings and practices.
Value: appreciates the enduring but ever changing nature of the Church.
Knowledge: articulates an understanding of how the Church’s mission and development has always been influenced by a range of social, cultural political and religious factors.
Skills: investigates and evaluates the impact of significant people, movements and events on Church teachings and practices.
B10 - The Church: Tradition, Challenge and Change
View UnitC10 - Ecumenism and Interfaith Dialogue
Value: appreciates both the challenges and opportunities associated with religious diversity.
Knowledge: details the core beliefs and practices of the major Christian denominations and some of the non-Christian Faith Traditions.
Skills: analyses and classifies aspects of commonality ( and difference) between the Christian denominations, and also between the Abrahamic faiths.
Value: appreciates both the challenges and opportunities associated with religious diversity.
Knowledge: details the core beliefs and practices of the major Christian denominations and some of the non-Christian Faith Traditions.
Skills: analyses and classifies aspects of commonality ( and difference) between the Christian denominations, and also between the Abrahamic faiths.
C10 - Ecumenism and Interfaith Dialogue
View UnitD10 - Sacraments at the Service of Communion
Value: appreciates the baptismal call to love and serve God and one another.
Knowledge: understands the nature and importance of the Sacraments of Holy Orders and Matrimony in the lives of the faithful and the Church.
Skills: investigates the range of ways through which baptized persons can live out their vocation.
Value: appreciates the baptismal call to love and serve God and one another.
Knowledge: understands the nature and importance of the Sacraments of Holy Orders and Matrimony in the lives of the faithful and the Church.
Skills: investigates the range of ways through which baptized persons can live out their vocation.
D10 - Sacraments at the Service of Communion
View UnitE10 - Catholic Social Teaching
Value: appreciates how the words and actions of Jesus provide a model for Christian living.
Knowledge: articulates an understanding of the core principles and themes of Catholic Social Teaching.
Skills: applies the, ‘See, Judge, Act’ methodology to a range of contemporary situations.
Value: appreciates how the words and actions of Jesus provide a model for Christian living.
Knowledge: articulates an understanding of the core principles and themes of Catholic Social Teaching.
Skills: applies the, ‘See, Judge, Act’ methodology to a range of contemporary situations.