The RE Priorities are important components of the Catholic tradition that are at the heart of what it means to be Catholic. They are the distinctively Catholic understanding of the faith that thread through relevant course modules. They will have a strong but varying presence depending on their relevance to the module.

The RE Priorities provide opportunities for students to explore an authentically Catholic understanding of the faith and enriches the learning experience

RE PrioritiesDefinitions
Marian PerspectivesMarian perspectives relate to teachings about the Blessed Virgin Mary and how she illuminates aspects of the faith connecting Tradition, Scripture and Church teachings. A Marian perspective allows students to develop an appreciation of Marian devotion and an understanding of the significance of Mary throughout the history of the Church.
Eucharist/ Eucharistic LivingThe Eucharist is the Sacrament and Sacrifice of Christ’s Body and Blood. It is the source and summit of the Christian life. It is the culmination of God’s saving action in the world. The Eucharist is a celebration of the entire Church – not just its members, but Christ as well, offering and being offered. Catholics, by virtue of their royal priesthood are called to actively give witness to Christ in daily living. (CCC1324-5, LG10, 11)
Prayer, Liturgy & Liturgical YearPrayer is the raising of one’s mind and heart to God, it may be private, communal or liturgical and it develops our relationship with God who calls us to prayer. Prayer and liturgy as practiced in the Catholic Church is grounded in the Scriptures. It is said that liturgy (leitourgia) is “the work of the church”. It is one of the ways through which the faith community discovers its identity and encounters Jesus present in the world.
Church TeachingTradition is principally about the living Spirit that makes the Church a communion of faith that is one, holy, catholic and apostolic across times and cultures. When necessary, the faith of that communion is then expressed in Church Teaching (doctrine). In doing this, the Church nurtures the faith life of believers and gives moral and spiritual guidance based on Tradition and Scripture.
ScriptureGod is the author of Sacred Scripture. The divinely revealed realities which are contained and presented in the text of Sacred Scripture, have been written down under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. All Church Teaching is closely bound with Sacred Scripture, both flowing from the same divine well-spring. The use of Scripture allows students to connect the learning experiences with the living Word of God.
Liberal ArtsThe Catholic liberal arts approach promotes critical thinking, moral reasoning and social conscience within the framework of Religious Education. It invites students to engage in the Catholic Tradition and faith through the study of Sacred Scripture, theology, philosophy, literature, music, art and architecture. This integrated approach helps students develop a holistic understanding of faith and life. It assists students in deepening their relationship with God.