All students are entitled to participate in and progress through the curriculum. Years 7–10 courses based on Life Skills outcomes and content provide options for students with disability who cannot access the regular course outcomes, particularly students with an intellectual disability. 

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Year 7 - stage 4


A7 - Sacred Scripture

Outcome: A student describes Scripture as the story of God and locate and explores relevant Scripture passages. (LRECKSA7)

Essential Question: How do the scriptures reveal God to the Christian community?

A7 - Sacred Scripture

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B7 - What it means to be Catholic

Outcome: A student identifies and explores practices and beliefs central to the Catholic Tradition and reflects upon their personal experiences of Catholic communities. (LRECKSB7)

Essential Question: How do religious beliefs influence the way people live?

B7 - What it means to be Catholic

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C7 - Stewards of Creation

Outcome: A student describes the work of one Catholic organisation which promotes ecological responsibility and identifies ways in which they can be ‘stewards of creation’. (LRECKSC7)

Essential Question: What does scripture reveal about God as creator? What part do creation stories play in teaching human beings how to treat the created world?

C7 - Stewards of Creation

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D7 - Ways of Praying

Outcome: A student explores how the mediums of music and art are and may be used in prayer experiences. (LRECKSD7)

Essential Question: What does Jesus teach us about prayer?

D7 - Ways of Praying

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E7 - Affirming Human Dignity

Outcome: A student explains the concept of human dignity and describe how the Golden Rule is important for human relationships. (LRECKSE7)

Essential Question: WHY and DO ALL human beings have dignity and equality?

E7 - Affirming Human Dignity

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Year 8 - stage 4


A8 - The Teachings of Jesus

Outcome: A student explains key teachings of Jesus in the New Testament and applies them to everyday living. (LRECKSA8)

Essential Question: How do Jesus’ teachings show us how to live good Christian lives?

A8 - The Teachings of Jesus

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B8 - Disciples, Martyrs and Witnesses to The Faith

Outcome: A student identifies some of the challenges facing the early Christian communities and investigates prominent Christian witnesses. (LRECKSB8)

Essential Question: Who have been the big heroes in the history of the Catholic Church?

B8 - Disciples, Martyrs and Witnesses to The Faith

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C8 - Striving for Goodness

Outcome: A student locates and describes stories from Scripture or everyday life which depict good defeating evil. (LRECKSC8)

Essential Question: What does good and evil look like in the world?

C8 - Striving for Goodness

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D8 - Sacraments of Initiation

Outcome: A student identifies and describes a range of Christian symbols and describes the structure and elements of one rite of initiation. (LRECKSD8)

Essential Question: Why do we use symbols in the Catholic Church?

D8 - Sacraments of Initiation

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E8 - Alive in Christ

Outcome: A student locates and recounts stories of encounter from the Gospels and identifies core Gospel values. (LRECKSE8)

Essential Question: Why is it a good idea to follow Jesus’ example?

E8 - Alive in Christ

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Year 9 - stage 5


A9 - Biblical Writing

Outcome: A student describes different literary forms contained in the Old and New Testaments and links specific Scripture passages to their literary form. (LRECKSA9)

Essential Question: What are some of the different styles of writing in the Bible?

A9 - Biblical Writing

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B9 - The Church in Australia

Outcome: A student explores and describes a range of Catholic communities and explores how they contribute to Australian society. (LRECKSB9)

Essential Question: Who are the members of the Catholic Church in Australia today?

B9 - The Church in Australia

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C9 - The Search for Meaning

Outcome: A student identifies and explores the ‘big’ questions of human existence and make connections with Catholic Church teachings about human life. (LRECKSC9)

Essential Question: What are life’s big questions?

C9 - The Search for Meaning

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D9 - Sacraments of Healing

Outcome: A student explores and describes the Sacraments of Healing and their role in the lives of the faithful. (LRECKSD9)

Essential Question: Why is forgiveness, healing, hope, reconciliation, repentance, sin and suffering significant in the life of a Christian?

D9 - Sacraments of Healing

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E9 - Living the Commandments & Beatitudes

Outcome: A student identifies characteristics of Christian discipleship and describes how to live the values and attitudes expressed in the Beatitudes. (LRECKSE9)

Essential Question: Why were the Ten Commandments relevant to Jesus?

E9 - Living the Commandments and Beatitudes

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Year 10 - stage 5


A10 - The Gospels

Outcome: A student describes the purpose of a Synoptic Gospel and compares images of Jesus in the Synoptic Gospels. (LRECKSA10)

Essential Question: What do we find out about Jesus in the Gospels?

A10 - The Gospels

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B10 - The Changing Church

Outcome: A student identifies and investigates the mission of the Church as given by Jesus and how the Church fulfils this mission today. (LRECKSB10)

Essential Question: Why is the Church described as a ‘Pilgrim Church’?

B10 - The Changing Church

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C10 - Ecumenism & Interfaith Dialogue

Outcome: explores major Christian denominations and describes examples of Ecumenism and Interfaith Dialogue. (LRECKSC10))

Essential Question: Who believes in Jesus Christ?

C10 - Ecumenism and Interfaith Dialogue

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D10 - Sacraments at The Service of Communion

Outcome: A student explores and describes the Sacraments of Holy Orders and Matrimony and their role in the wider Church community. (LRECKSD10)

Essential Question: How am I called to live out my baptismal promise and serve others in the Christian community?

D10 - Sacraments at The Service of Communion

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E10 - Catholic Social Teaching

Outcome: recalls the core themes of Catholic Social Teaching and applies the key ideas in the ‘See, Judge, Act’ method to moral issues. (LRECKSE10)

Essential Question: What does Catholic Social Teaching have to do with me?

E10 - Catholic Social Teaching

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